Mutinta Gratious Kamera, Zambia

My name is Mutinta Gratious Kamera. The first time I came to Yantai, China, I was excited to experience and explore something new and the moment I came to this place I admired the beautiful scenery around and when I first got into Binzhou Medical University I was welcomed with love. My fellow students helped me with my luggage to my room and showed me around the school and good eating places at the schools canteen and how the school system works and my teachers showed me to my room, gave me my room key and some snacks which was pretty amazing. During the period of time I have been here so far, Binzhou Medical University is an amazing university. As students, we are immersed in a strong academic program where we get to experience and learn new things with good professional lectures that guide us throughout our journey with theory and practical classes which are exciting and memorable with classmates and lectures.

Besides learning my career’s dream, I get to learn a new foreign language and culture, the Chinese language teachers not only teach us but engage us with a variety of activities that help us learn and understand the language and culture more, and even if you have come to end of the curriculum, they are still always there to help, e.g., preparation for HSK4. And last but not the least, the school also engages us and encourages us to participate in different schools activities both within school and outside school such as sports, games and other competition where you get the chance to get some prizes, interact with your fellow students from different cultural backgrounds and get to learn of your hidden talents, builds up your confidence, and visit new places or Cities in China etc. And even during this pandemic, the school always tries it’s best for us to get the most out of it. I am really glad I came to Binzhou Medical University.



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